Blog #3

 1. A copyright is a protection someone puts on their own intellectual property that they created. It prevents the public from copying that image or writing without first paying the original creator. However, fair use can be claimed, and the original work can be used in limited amounts. This includes educational purposes, but not any way the image could be used to make money. As a teacher using fair use, it is important to credit the author underneath each picture or writing. Also, teachers should tell their student to credit anything that they get from someone's website or other intellectual space.

2. One major issue when dealing with technology in the classroom is academic dishonesty. During a test or activity, it is very easy for students to open up a new tab on their computer and look up the answers. One solution that I thought worked well was used on me in high school. Through our LMS, Schoology, the teachers could enable a lockdown browser so that when we entered the test, our page was locked in full-screen mode and we couldn't open new tabs. 

Another problem is the decreased activity of the students. During an online activity, the students can easily get distracted and go to gaming websites instead of doing their work. I believe the solution to this rests with the teacher. If they create online activities that are creative and engaging enough, students won't want to leave or do something else.

3. One of by biggest takeaways from this assignment is how much I love Canva. I think it is a great tool to create unique classroom materials that are visually pleasing. Even the free version gives you a vast range of pictures, elements and styles to use. I can definable see myself using Canva for future projects and in my classroom.


  1. I'm so excited to hear that you love using Canva! I use it all the time (I'm tempted to pay for the Premium version). Hopefully, you'll still have reasons to use it beyond this class.


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