
Showing posts from November, 2020

Portfolio Item 28: Mood Check


Educational Meme

 With Veteran's Day yesterday marking the 102nd anniversary of the end of World War I, I thought it would be appropriate to post this educational meme.

Blog #10

 1. I think surveys are a great way to gauge how well your students are doing in the classroom. I have seen some of my teachers use the exit slip model, which involves giving the students a non-graded questionnaire at the end of the class period. Then the teacher can review the results from the exit slip and indemnify which concepts need to be reinforced, or which students need to be worked with more closely. From there, the teacher can more easily model their teaching to satisfy whatever needs were identified in the survey. 2. I think a common topic that I have seen with other people's blogs is that a lot of us had previous experiences with teaching before this class. By reading their first posts, I can tell that most people here really care about education and took steps before this class to be more involved, which I think is a great thing. It shows how invested we all are into this field and how much we care about the education of others. This previous motivation, combined with

Blog #9

 1. I felt like stance learning was fine, but it is certainly not my preference. I miss all the interactions that happen when classes are in person, and how I would get to talk with people face-to-face. And going into the field of education, I can see how it hurts the teachers probably more than the students. Teachers did not go into their profession because they like to assign and grade work, they do it for the kids. I miss the class discussions we would have on a topic or just conversational talk. 2. I think Open Educational Resources are a great tool for people to learn at their own pace. If they need extra help in a subject, or just don't understand the way it is being taught, they can get a fresh look through these websites. They offered many different services from tutoring, collaboration, and offering the actual lessons. The website that I found is called OER commons ( ) and it provides free educational lessons to all users. 3. I gained a lot of sk